I have got a few awards from my fellow bloggers, and I thought I'd thank them all in a single post. The problem with many awards is that I don't have much blogger friends to whom I can pass the awards. And most of my blogger friends have already received the awards. So, let me break the rule of passing the awards. Rules are made to be broken, right?
First of all thanks to
Izdiher and
Umzakariya for your awards. Thanks for passing it, the pleasure is more when you can share your success with others. Pity me, I don't have anyone to share it. :'(
Nishana is a friend of mine, and its almost ten years since we became friends. We were the frightened first years of college when we met, but then, with the four years at college we changed a lot with time. Some friends bring a lot of change in your life, and Nishana was one if them. We had many thing in common- our lean body and our passion for writing being a couple of them. We still have so many things in common, our fat (Nish said she has put on weight) body (lolz), our passion for writing and our munchkins. When I think of her, I yearn to go back to college again.
I sometimes feel strange about how you meet people in your life. Salma is a person whom I have met in a totally strange way - we are mothers who have lost out babies. Both our babies were first boys (in my case, the first child), they died of umbilical cord prolapse and they died on 13th (May in my case and June in Salma's case). I have heard that relationships that start under intense circumstances never last, but Salma proved it wrong. We have been friends since then. Salma is a wonderful person, always trying to help her friends. She showed me how to care for the world even if you are alone and have nothing to give away. A little thought and some of your time is all she asks us to help others.
I met Um Zakariya recently and we have been good friends since then. She is a french revert, who is struggling to build up a life between her ex, her little man and Islam. I wish I was near her to support her and hold her hand, to gift her son with some chocolates and to help her in every way I could. By being at the other end of the world, I can only pray for her now.
One fine morning, Izdiher was there on my blog. It was like God just dropped a friend for me. I love her blog for the openness in it. She writes about anything on her blog, from politics, fashion, Islam etc etc. The most thing I love about it is the header image - a lovely photo. She is from Pakistan and that makes us good neighbors too.
The awards I received are:
With the stylish blogger award and versatile blogger award, I have to put in
seven random facts about myself. They are:
- I love chicken a lot.
- I am a proud Muslim.
- I am a bad cook.
- I want Aisha to be a social worker.
- I always wish the fantasies were real with fairies, witches and wizards, beautiful and kind ghosts etc scooting around on broom sticks or popping out of flowers.
- I love to read children's magazines.
- I want to make the world a better place to live in.
For sharing this award, I have got only three friends:
- Bonnie - I pass all the above Awards to Bonnie.
- Um Zakariya - I pass the Extreme Muslima Bloggers Award to Um Zakariya as she has recieved the other two awards earlier.
- Stay Blessed - I pass all the awards to Asma Khan.
Thankyou everyone. Enjoy!