

Last Eid, I put a post about Alexander - the strong little man with loving parents who was blessed by many people all around the world to pray for him, his health and his long life. But with utter shock, a breaking heart and tears in my eye, this Eid, I post here the news of his d..., sorry, he never dies. He just started his life in heaven, with angels to  feed him and put him to sleep with their sweet lullaby, with God, the Most Loving One, to take care of him and many little friends like him, from all around the world, to play with him. I'm sure he will be enjoying his days and eagerly waiting for his Dad and Mom.
 Photo courtesy: http://alexandermerlin.blogspot.com
 I will always love you, Alexander. I know my son, Hamdu Mon, will be there for you in heaven. And also so many other precious little lives. Insha Allah, we will soon be joining you all, to be a happy family.
Anyone reading this, please pray for Alexander's mom and dad.

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