
Islam never wants hardship.

This is another story of potty training. I never used any diaper for Aisha, except when she gets sick (when she doesn't have the energy to sit on her potty) and during a journey. So, you can guess it, sometimes its a mess in our home. I always plan to make her pee every two hours, but at some intervals, I forget my plans. Or sometimes I am too busy to care for her. When I get back to her, she will be in a pool of urine. Earlier she used to slap and play in it, but now she wipes it with any cloth she finds. I will run to hold her and stop her from making the mess worse, and I will also get drenched in it.
As a muslim, I pray (namaz or salat) five times a day. For praying, I should make my body, dress and pray-area clean. But with little Aisha it was always a tough job. I changed my clothes every time, sometimes, I have to wash my body too - when she pees in my lap. It was really difficult.
I was ignorant about how Allah has made things easier for me, until recently, when I read about a Hadith. The hadith said that mothers with little kids can combine the number of their prayers*, reduce it to three times. I was relieved.
Now I bath at noon and perform my Duhr and Asr prayers. I clean myself at night again, after I put Aisha to sleep, and then perform my Magrib and Isha prayers. In the dawn, I pray Subh, before Aisha wakes up. So easy. I never knew Allah loved the mothers so much, that He even changed the prayer timings for us! Subhanallah.

*http://muttaqun.com/pregnancy.html fiqh 2.118
The Hanbali school is the most accommodating as it allows one to combine the prayers, at the time of the early or later salah, for one who is ill as well as for the woman who is breast-feeding and will face hardship in cleaning her dress for every salah, for the woman who is plagued by a prolonged flow of blood, for the person who cannot control his urine, and for one who cannot purify himself or herself, and for the one who fears for his life, property, or family.


sunny said...

beautiful post like it.

sunny said...

beautiful post like it.

♥●• İzdihër •●♥ said...

Beautiful post

I give you an award,Najeeba